General Surgery

Conditions We Treat:

We Specialize In Minimally Invasive Surgery

In minimally invasive or “Laparoscopic” surgery the surgeon makes a series of small incisions. A small video camera, or scope, is placed in one of the incisions, providing the surgeon with a magnified view of the internal organs on a television monitor. The camera transmits an image of the organs onto a television monitor. The video camera then becomes a surgeon’s eyes, since the surgeon uses the image from the video camera positioned inside the patient’s body to perform the procedure. This surgical technique can be used to remove gallbladders, spleens, as well as repair inguinal, ventral, hiatal and para-esophageal hernias.

This is the least invasive form of surgery available and has proven benefits when compared to traditional surgery. Patients undergoing laparoscopic surgery experience less pain and their recovery is quicker. They return to work earlier and are very satisfied with their recovery.